Eddleman Award Nomination Deadline

The Eddleman AwardSince 1990, we have honored one adult who has made a significant contribution to Georgia OotM with the Eddleman Memorial Award. This award memorializes Mr. Sherrill Eddleman,  who will always be remembered for his unselfish efforts in helping Gwinnett County youth.NominationsTo nominate someone for either of these awards, submit a one page (8-1/2 […]

Coaches Hall of Fame Nomination Deadline

Coaches Hall of FameSince 2002, Georgia Odyssey of the Mind has honored deserving coaches that go above and beyond the call of duty and model the true spirit of Odyssey of the Mind for their team members.NominationsTo nominate someone for either of these awards, submit a one page (8-1/2 by 11 inches) letter to:Lisa Hackney1216 […]