Parents are Important


Parents are the ones who are driving the carpools, forking out money for pizza, opening closets for major scavenging, waiting while the team cleans up after a meeting, postponing dinner because one more prop needs finished, and generally watching from the sidelines while the team “gets creative!”

Did you know?

  • You are the team’s secret weapon for success!
  • You are the “wind beneath the wings” of the team and the coach!
  • You are a vital part of Odyssey of the Mind!

Be Your Team’s Judge or Volunteer!

Your Odyssey of the Mind Regional Board also relies on parents for help. Georgia Odyssey of the Mind competition uses approximately 100 judges and 100 volunteers to ensure a smooth, exciting tournament for all.  Consequently each team is required to provide one judge AND one volunteer to register. Here are the opportunities for parents, friends, and relatives to help make the regional tournament possible. We feel certain you will enjoy helping, and few volunteer opportunities directly benefit so many children in an educational program!

Parent Responsibilities on Tournament Day

  • Be a volunteer – Each team must provide a volunteer to work on Tournament Day for approximately 2-3 hours on the day of competition.  Responsibilities:  register teams, souvenir sales, doorkeepers, etc.  Volunteers should check in at volunteer desk at registration early to get their assignments.  Come early to get your choice!
  • We also ask you to help the team get props in and out of the building, to move your car from loading and unloading areas as quickly as possible, and to bring a sense of humor to the tournament (because Murphy’s law is an Odyssey of the Mind condition!)
  • Bring a Cake –  Each team is required to bring a Cake for the Cake Bingo.  Cakes can be store bought or homemade.  We really encourage the cakes to be homemade so that they can compete in our Creative Cake Contest.  In fact, this is a great opportunity for Parents to get involved and express their creativity.  Awards are even given to teams with the most creative cakes! For more information on the cakes, click here.

We believe that this program offers something unique for your children. They will learn teamwork, creative problem solving, divergent thinking, persistence, practical skills, and many other abilities through Odyssey of the Mind. Please remember we are all volunteers working together to make this happen for the kids.