Work Area

The ideal work area is a location that can be dedicated to building a structure. The area should be well lit and well ventilated since many glues give off fumes that might irritate eyes. Good lighting is essential. If room lights are not sufficient you may want to use desk lamps.

A sturdy table that does not rock is important. The kitchen table at the team manager’s house is probably not the best location to build structures because it is inevitable that glue or razor saw marks will end up in a location that the team manager’s spouse will not appreciate. If there is no option other than the team manager’s table then the team manager may want to purchase a piece of 1/8″ or 1/4″ hardboard (Masonite) to cover the table while the team works.

Since building structures creates dust and wood scraps it is better if the floor in the work area has a hard surface instead of carpet so that cleanup is easier. Also, some glues will melt some carpet fibers and spills will happen.

It is important to keep your work area dust free. Dust floating around in the air can get into your glue and affect its performance. Always cleanup dust and scraps before you start assembling your structure.