Fessenden Fund Senior Scholarship Winners!

Greetings Omers!

We would like to take a moment to honor all of our Seniors for their continued commitment and the hard work that went into their solutions each year. We know that this year has not turned out the way we had all planned, but the 2020 Odyssey season has certainly been a wild and crazy year that we all will remember for the rest of our lives. We hope to see each one of you back next year to judge!

Now, we want to give a big virtual round of applause to our 2020 Fessenden Fund Scholarship winners. We wish them all the best for their future academic endeavors and know they will do great things!

Our 2020 Fessenden Scholarship winners are:

Jayden Ayash from Marietta

Kate Lemons from Johns Creek

World Finals is going Virtual

For 2020, All Georgia teams are being invited to participate at World Finals! Due the current global climate and COVID 19 situation, World Finals is going virtual. Even crazier, the rules for submissions will be coming out April 1st, NO FOOLING! The expectation is regular solutions to creative substitutions will be accepted! Just like you, we’re all eagerly awaiting the problem solving challenges and solutions to come!

See more info and get on top of things at:


Tournament Cancellations

The Georgia Odyssey of the Mind Board and Problem Captains met today and came to the sad realization that we must cancel the South Georgia Tournament and State Finals. This decision was not an easy decision. We know that your teams have been working very hard over the last several months and were looking forward to presenting their solution. We want to honor their work and commitment to Georgia Odyssey of the Mind.

Please know that we respect and honor the hard work that you and your team have put in over the last few months. We wish that we could celebrate their creative journey with them in our traditional manner, but are looking for ways to celebrate creativity creatively. We’ll be in touch with all teams to make sure every team has the opportunity to present their solution this year!

Update on current events

The Georgia Odyssey of the Mind Board of Directors will be meeting this weekend to make a determination regarding the South Georgia Regional Tournament scheduled for March 21 and State Finals scheduled for April 4.

South Georgia Regional Tournament covid-19 update

Please know that we are monitoring the coronavirus situation closely. We are continuing the extra procedures put in place for the South Georgia Regional tournament and for the remainders of the tournaments this year in the state of Georgia. Please read the entire statement listed below and email us IMMEDIATELY if you have a team member who falls into the category described.

Out of an abundance of caution, we are currently requiring anyone who has traveled outside of the United States in the past 14 days prior to the tournament to notify us. This also includes anyone who have had family members or individuals living at home who have traveled outside of the United States in the past 14 days.

We have protocols in place for additional steps for those individuals who have visited countries designated as “high risk” by the federal government. A list of those countries will be updated daily at the following link:

Coronavirus Information for Travel


As an extra assurance, each coach will need to complete the attached document.

Thank you for understanding – we all need to stay safe.

North Georgia Regional Important News!

Please know that we are monitoring the coronavirus situation closely. Hall County has put extra procedures in place that will impact our tournament this Saturday. Please read the entire statement listed below and email us IMMEDIATELY if you have a team member who falls into the category described.

As an extra assurance, each coach will need to complete the attached document.

Thank you for understanding – we all need to stay safe.

The Hall County School District continues to update practices and protocols to ensure the safety of its students, team members, and community, regarding the coronavirus (COVID-19).

Out of an abundance of caution, we are currently requiring parents of all current students and registering new students who have traveled outside of the United States in the past 14 days to call their school for guidance regarding COVID-19. Parents should call prior to their child coming to school or attending any school activity, before, during, and after school hours. This also includes students who have had family members or individuals living at home who have traveled outside of the United States in the past 14 days.

Hall County School District team members who have traveled outside of the United States in the past 14 days should contact their principal or direct supervisor prior to coming to work or to any school campus activity—before, during, or after school hours. This also includes school volunteers, community coaches, and all team members who have had family members or individuals living at home who have traveled outside of the United States in the past 14 days.

We have protocols in place for additional steps for those individuals who have visited countries designated as “high risk” by the federal government. A list of those countries will be updated daily at the following link:

Coronavirus Information for Travel


Metro Atlanta Tournament Results!

The Metro Atlanta Regional Tournament Results are available in the Tournaments Section.

The website now includes(Metro ATL tournament related):

  • downloadable participation certificates (coaches corner)*
  • state finals registration and online payment option (you may choose to pay by check for registration as well) <– available 2/23
  • state finals pin pre-order (must order online, but check mail in option is available) <– available 2/23

*To access all of this content, you must login via the coaches login using membership number(username) and zip code(password).*

The tournament was amazing with lots of amazingly creative solutions all day. The judges raved over how awesome the teams were overall! Last, we would like to thank our hosts at Parkview High School that gave us such great support and a beautiful space to use.

Metro Atlanta Competition Schedule

The Tentative Metro Atlanta Regional Tournament Competition Schedule is now available located in the tournaments section. Navigate to Tournaments-> Metro Atlanta Regional


Teams with conflicts should have included this information during registration. If there is a scheduling issue, please contact us. The conflicts must be reported ASAP so the scheduler has an opportunity to adjust accordingly.  No changes will be made to the schedule after the Final Schedule has been released on February 8th.



Forms for Competition


 The forms section of our website includes all of the forms a team will need for a regional tournament this year!  With tournaments rapidly approaching, now is the time to start preparing and getting ready.  We even have a whole section located in the Coaches Corner of helpful files for tournament day preparation

Find Forms here: https://www.georgiaodyssey.org/home/forms/

Tournament Day prep: https://www.georgiaodyssey.org/home/coaches-corner/tournament-day/

**You must login to the coaches corner using the coaches login to view this information.